Peter Comino
B.Eng (Hons),
APEC Engineer
The Director, Peter Comino has over 32 years of experience within the water resources industry. He has held senior positions within various private consultancies and has worked within various government organisations in south-east Queensland. Peter held the position of President of the Stormwater Industry Association Queensland (SIAQ) from 2010 to 2012.
Peter has been commissioned to provide expert evidence to the Planning & Environment Court on a range of floodplain management issues.
He was the lead editor of the Road Drainage Manual, 2019 version, issued by the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads.
Peter has held the roles of Senior Technical Principal at major international consultancies. At these he was a driver of technical knowledge and excellence in drainage and flood management. The roles involved early participation in opportunity and project formulations, as well as participation in projects and or technical review of project deliverables, drawing on his extensive technical knowledge in this discipline.
He continues to provide management, technical advice and hands on technical design on flooding, stormwater management, water sensitive urban design and water resources management issues on projects throughout Australia and internationally.
Peter has held pivotal hydraulic advisory roles and/or led water teams on a range of major infrastructure projects including:
- Dhaka-Chittagong Expressway on PPP Basis: (Dhaka, Bangladesh), 2015. Client: Asia Development Bank.
- Greater Mekong Region East-West Economic Corridor, Myanmar (Kawkareik, Myanmar), 2014. Client: Asia Development Bank.
- Central Expressway Project (CEP) – Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design (Sri Lanka), 2012 – 2013. Client: Government of Sri Lanka.
- Bruce Highway Upgrade, Edmonton to Gordonvale (E2G), Cairns – Detailed Design, John Holland- Seymour Whyte- Aecom JV, (Various Roles), 2020 to present.
- Upgrade of the TMR Road Drainage Manual (RDM) 2014 edition (2019). Client: Qld Govt, Department of Transport and Main Roads.
- Inland Rail PPP G2K – Tender Design. November 2020 to March 2021. Client: Regionerate Rail CJV.
- Warrego Highway East Masterplan (WHEM) (2019). Client: Qld Govt, Department of Transport and Main Roads.
- Gateway Upgrade North (GUN) – Drainage and Water Quality (Brisbane, Australia), 2015 to 2016. Client: Lend Lease.
- Logan Enhancement Project (LEP) 2017. Client: CPB Contractors.
- Darlington Upgrade Project (Adelaide, Australia) 2016. Client: Fulton Hogan Contractors.
- Toowoomba Second Range Crossing, ASJV, (Toowoomba, Australia), 2014. Client: Rangelink.
- Southport-Burleigh Road Planning Study – Drainage Upgrades (Gold Coast, Australia), 2015. Client: Department of Transport and Main Roads.
- Cooroy to Curra Highway – Section C. (QLD, Australia), 2015. Client: Department of Transport and Main Roads.
- Surat Basin Regional Transport Planning Study (QLD, Australia), 2014. Client: Department of Transport and Main Roads.
- Smith Street Motorway and Labrador-Carrara Road (Olsen Avenue) Interchange Upgrade, Detailed Design, $120M (QLD, Australia), 2012. Client: Department of Transport and Main Roads.
- Charleville Flood Mitigation Options: Independent Review Phase (Charleville, Australia), 2011. Client: Queensland Water Infrastructure Pty Ltd.
- Darwin Region Level of Service (LoS) Objectives (Darwin, Australia), 2011. Client: Power and Water Corporation.